Such a controversial subject. So many aspects to death. To die comes from many directions and has many definitions; is it science, spiritual, or maybe a programming influence on each individual. This article is not about life after death, this article is to acknowledge that as with politics we have been nurtured to meet only the expectations of today’s misleading science/statistics. Until we reach 5years of age Society has preprogrammed each person and turned the longevity switch off . Ask yourself, if you can eliminate these primary defects caused by society, how long could the Human body sustain a long, useful, fulfilling life?
Effects created by Society:
Life Style
Yes, it is like playing Dodge ball in High school. It can be challenging, but you can survive with a little duck and weave.
You also need to understand, as an insurance agency designates; being involved in an accident deems 5% responsible (Just being there), which is very profound when relating to Death.
The populous is waking up, but to see how ancients lived well over 100 years of age is overwhelming. I can show you the mathematical and statistics for today’s numbers by this site, it is an amazing view – Age, Gender, Country
I am guessing, as you reviewed the charts, all you can say is; ok, they know better (So called Government Experts), so why question, “Statistics”. Before we go on; remember the Election, the COVID pandemic, the false statistics we were shown. Beware, people that want control will use statistics to under write their narrative (Depopulation).
Its time to not allow you to justify someone else’s narrative so lets dive down the rabbit hole. Lets assume for this article that the World we live in has all the natural resources to allow for an unlimited Human Population. Lets also assume you can dodge all the outside effects of Accidents, Catastrophes, Homicide, and the Medical infringement of the Globalist.
You ask, what is the answer? Simple, the answer is starting with yourself and not letting Society around you dictate your own outcome. In this scenario, the end is determined by “You, and You alone”.
The human body is an amazing organism that does have the natural ability to ‘Self Heal”. It may be, we lived pretty much our life without understanding what that means, however, you can teach an old dog new tricks. You can correct what the body needs to reprogram and “Turn the Self Healing Switch” ON.
From experience, I have spent the last five years understanding and correcting a life style of 6 decades of bad nutrition. The short story is this; a quintuple (5 artery bypass-Cabbage) with all veins clogged to 99%. They tried to tell me it was all about genetics, I did everything right; worked out 5 days a week, kept my weight in check and it had to be genetics.
I can tell you they were 95% wrong. Looking back at my eating habits, I assumed working out meant eating and drinking anything. Which included a high sugar and wheat regiment? WRONG, worst life style anyone should do. Many roadblocks came along the road, my Age, the COVID swindle, and a nick along my lung during surgery. I could go on and on, but the fact is after 5 years of research and applying my findings, I am doing things I did in my 40’s; and I used not one pharmaceutical. Yes, they wanted statins, blood pressure medication, blood thinners, and an easier life workout regiment. Like I said, now I work out like in my 40’s, I weigh my Senior high school weight, I feel great, my cholesterol and blood pressure is better than I was when I was 18. My Heart specialist tried to explain to me I am gambling with my life and insinuated that Internet research is bogus.
I wake up every morning and have no regrets of my new journey. I am grateful to put my feet on the ground and live another lifetime. My goal is well over 120.
The new definition of “Lifetime” is being re-written by many of my friends that have taken on similar challenges. Society has an illusion of what a Lifetime is, we will disprove them by out-living their expectations. The goal of this group is well over 120, and I am confident baring WWIII we will make it.
I do give the specialists credit for giving me the chance to correct my wrongs. However, I will not forget the coercion taught by the Medical/Government and Pharmaceutical Industry to a Lifestyle that almost killed me.
No matter what your challenges are, if you are willing you can find the information you need to correct them. It does take time. It is not an overnight journey, but it is a journey…..One step in front of the next.
Here are a couple of very interesting YouTube Videos:
Blue Zones
Troy Casey-Naturopath
Fascinating expeditions of the Masters of the East.
The New Year is coming and as people wake up to the fact Government, Pharmaceuticals, and Medical services have duped us it should be your time to coarse correct.
Investigators Utilizing an American Publishing platform
Jeremiah Michaels and Co- Author Michael La Porta
Dated 12/10/2024